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1. Living World and Classification of Microbes class 8 question answer maharshtra board

Class 8 Living World and Classification of Microbes  exercise   question answer

Class 8 science chapter 1 question answer Maharashtra board – Science digest std 8 maharashtra board – Class 8 science chapter 1 – 8th general science question answer

Q.1.Use Whittaker method to classify bacteria, protozoa, fungi, algae, prokaryotic and eukaryotic microbes.



Bacteria: Kingdom Monera

Protozoa: Kingdom Protista

Fungi: Kingdom Fungi

Algae: Unicellular: Kingdom Protista, Multicellular : Kingdom Plantae

Prokaryotic: kingdom Monera

Eukaryotic: Kingdom other than Monera

Microbes: Kingdom Monera or Protista.

Class 8 science chapter 1 question answer Maharashtra board – Science digest std 8 maharashtra board – Class 8 science chapter 1 – 8th general science question answer


Q.2.Complete the five kingdom method of classification using- living organism, prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular, unicellular, protista, animals, plants, fungi.



Q.3.Find out my partner


B (Answer)











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Q.4. State whether the following statements are true or false. Explain your statement.

Lactobacilli are harmful bacteria.

Ans: False

Lactobacilli are used in curding the milk and various milk products. Lactobacilli are useful bacteria.


Cell wall of fungi is made up of chitin.


The cell wall of the plants is made up of cellulose while the cell wall of fungi is made up of complex sugar called chitin. Inside the fungal cell wall there is cytoplasm which contains many nuclei.

Organ of locomotion in amoeba is pseudopodia.

Ans: True

Amoeba is a protozoan, primitive organism which possesses pseudopodia as the organ for locomotion


Tomato wilt is a viral disease.

Ans: True

Tomato wilt is a viral disease. These viruses are able to infect only plant cell.


Q.5.Give answers.

a. State the merits of Whittaker’s method  of classification


1)The classification system that whittaker has adapted is totally based on scientific foundation

2)Prokaryotes are placed separately in different kingdom. The prokaryotic organisms are different from other organisms, thus placing them separately is justified.


b. Write the characteristics of viruses.


1.Viruses are extremely minute i.e. they are 10 to 100 times smaller than bacteria and can be seen only with electron microscope.

2. They are found in the form of independent particles . Virus is a long molecule of DNA (Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid) or RNA (Ribo Nucleic Acid) covered by a protein coat.

3. Viruses survive only in living plant or animal cells and produce their own proteins with help of host cell and create their numerous replica. Then they destroy the host cell and become free. These free viruses again infect new cells.

4. Viruses cause many diseases to plants and animals.



c. Explain the nutrition in fungi.


                    Most of the fungi are saprophytic in their nutrition. They absorb the nutrishment from dead and decaying matter. By taking the organic matter from dead bodies of plants and animals, fungi survive. In this process they degrade the organic matter completely.


d.Which living organisms are included in  the kingdom monera ?


  •  All unicellular organisms are belonging to kingdom Monera.
  • The mode of nutrition in them is either autotrophic or heterotrophic.
  • All of them are prokaryotic and thus they do not have well-formade nucleus. The nuclear membrane and the cell organelles are absent in them.
  • Kingdom Monera consists of different types of bacteria and blue-green algae. E.g. Bacteria clostridium titani, Bibrio choleri, Pallidum, Salmonella typhi, Lagionella, Staphylococcus aureus.

8th class science all question answer – Class 8 general science chapter 1 question answer

Class 8 question answer Living World and Classification of Microbes
Living World and Classification of Microbes class 8 question answer maharshtra board

Q. 6. Who am I ?

a. I don’t have true nucleus, cell organelles or plasma membrane.

Ans: Microbe form Monera


b. I have nucleus and membrane bound cell orgenelles.

Ans: Protozoan from Protista / I am any one of Eukaryote.


c. I live on decaying organic matter.

Ans: Fungus


d. I reproduce mainly by cell division.

Ans: Bacteria and some Protozoa.


e. I can produce my replica.

Ans: Virus


f. I am green, but don’t have organs.

Ans: The algae


Q.7. Draw neat and labelled diagrams.

1.Different types of bacteria.



Class 8 science chapter 1 question answer Maharashtra board Science digest std 8 maharashtra board Class 8 science chapter 1  8th general science question answer 8th science guide answer 8th standard general science question answer Class 8 general science question answer General s




General science question answer for 8th class 8th class science all question answer Class 8 general science chapter 1 question answer Class 8 question answer Living World and Classification of Microbes Living World and Classification of Microbes class 8 question answer maharshtra board




1. Living World and Classification of Microbes class 8 question answermaharshtra board


Q.8. Arrange the following in ascending order of size

Bacteria, Fungi, Viruses, Algae.


Ans: Viruses, Bacteria, Fungi, Algae


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