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9. Disaster Management class 8 question answer general science maharshtra board

Class 8 Disaster Management exercise question answer 8th general science


Class 8 general science chapter 9 question answer Class 8 question answer Disaster Management Disaster Management class 8 question answer maharshtra board

1. Answer the following in your own words.

a. Explain the relation between continuous rains and landslide. Give reasons.


          Before the actual landslide, many changes occur in the surrounding hilly ground. The hard rocks develop cracks and crevices. These are natural changes but due to man-made activities, the cracks are widened due to erosion. These cracks make the big rocks to break into smaller stones. The cracks widen further due to excessive.


Class 8 Disaster Management exercise question answer 8th general science    Class 8 general science chapter 9 question answer Class 8 question answer Disaster Management Disaster Management class 8 question answer maharshtra board

b. Prepare a chart showing ‘Do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ at the time of earthquake.


At the time of earthquake



Go in open ground

Don’t wait in the multi-storeyed buildings. Do not use lifts. Use stairs to descend.

Keep the electrical appliances and cooking gas closed.

Do not stand near buildings, trees or electric wires and poles.

Use battery or torch

Do not light candles, lantern or  match-sticks.

Stand silently at one place. Do not panic or get scared.

Do not sit in uncomfortable posture for a long time

8th standard general science question answer Class 8 general science question answer General science question answer for 8th class 8th class science all question answer

c. What are the specifications of an earthquake –proof building ?


          The earthquake-proof building is such that even if the earthquake is caused, it should not cause damage to the buildings due to these earth movements. There are some codes of conduct while construction such buildings. Advanced technology is used for earthquake resistant construction. The foundation of earthquake-proof building is separated from lower land. The walls are of less weight or they are wooden. The house constructed with special light materials are preferred in earthquake-prone regions.


d. Explain the effects of landslide.


1.Mostly rivers originate in the hills and mountains. When there is landslide, the rivers naturally get flooded.

2.The paths of the riverine water changes due to landslide.

3.waterfalls are displaced from their original positions.

4. New and artificial water reservoirs are created.

5.The falling debris, soil and rocks make the trees at the base of hillside uprooted. All the plant life is lost .

6.transportation is affected as the roads and railway tracks are blocked due to debris.


e. Is there any relation between dam and  earthquake ? Explain.


          There is abundant water stored in the dams. This water column puts additional weight on the ground. Initially there may not be any weight, but later due to construction of dam, suddenly the pressure of this weight is so high that this ground experiences the tension. If such area is already earthquake-prone, then there can be chances of earthquake. According to theory of plate tectonics, there are continuous movements in the earth’s surface. If over such fragile plates, the dams are constructed then the chances of earthquake are enhanced.


2. Give Scientific reasons.

a. It is safer to find shelter under things like  a bed, table at the time of earthquake.


          When earthquake takes place, due to the vibrations in the earth’s surface, there is possibility of the roof and walls of the house to fall. This collapse can cause severe head injury which can be fatal. Thus, one  must take shelter below the hard-supporting structures such as bed or table. This precaution can save one’s life.


b. In monsoon, don’t take shelter near  hillside.


          The excessive rainfall can cause landslides. The soil and rocks from the hillside can be pushed down along with the flow of rain water. This debris slides to the lower heights from the hills. This explains us that taking shelter near the base of the hillside can be disastrous as one can be buried in the debris due to sudden landslide. Therefore, in monsoon, one should not take shelter near hillside.


Class 8 science chapter 9 question answer Maharashtra board Science digest std 8 maharashtra board Class 8 science chapter  9 8th general science question answer 8th science guide answer

c. Don’t use lifts at the time of earthquake.


          Lift or elevators run on electricity. The electricity supply can be hindered due to earthquake. There may be chances of fire due to short circuit. We may get trapped in the elevator at such times. The building may also collapse due to earthquake. It is always better to use stairs at the time of such calamities, so that one can safely come out of the building. Therefore, it is said that lifts should not be used at the time of earthquake.


d. The foundation of earthquake-proof building is separated from other land.


          The surface fof  the earth trembles at the time of earthquake. These tremors cause seismic waves which are responsible for the movements of the earth’s surface. The ground thus shakes or it goes up-down. These shocks and waves formed in the interior of the earth spread on the surface in all directions. This causes collapse of the building and other structures on the land. To prevent such disasters the foundation of earthquake proof building is separated from lower land.


3.If a crowd gathers at the place of  earthquake, what would be the difficulties  in relief work ?


          If people flock in crowd, the rescue work will not be possible. The ambulances and the fire engines will not reach the spot where the help is needed. The personnel from disaster management cells cannot thus act in time. It will be difficult to manage the situation and thus such crowding should never be done.


4. Make a list of the institutes and organisations who provide help for  disaster management. Collect more information about their work.


The United Nations and its organisations.

a)The World Health Organisation (WHO): It gives global public health leadership by setting standards, monitoring health trends, and providing direction on emergency health issues.

b) The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): It helps disaster-prone countries with disaster mitigation, prevention and preparedness measures.

c) The world food programme (WFP): It is the main supplier of relief food aid.

2)The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

It gives physical rehabilitation to people injured by explosive weapons or other types of incidents.


Class 8 general science chapter 9 question answerClass 8 question answer Disaster Management Disaster Management class 8 question answer maharshtra board

5. Make a survey of your school according to the plan of disaster management and  write the point wise information.



6. Are there any possible places of landslide  in your area ? Collect information from  experts


          According to experts, our area does not contain big mountains around us and the chances of landslides are minimal. Furthermore, the rainfall is also very scarce and there is no history of seismic points in the area. So, the possibility of landslides in the area is very minimal.


7. With the help of following picture, explain  your role in the disaster management.


          The picture given is not very clear. It does not indicate the condition of disaster. Therefore, there are two alternatives for this answer.


Option 1:

                    The boy holds a paper on which is written, ‘I am at risk’! The boy shocked to read this. Someone has given message to him. He must search that person and help him or her. He should therefore take help from some elder or from police force in such matter.


Option 2:

                    The boy shown in the picture is in danger. So, he is typing in his I-pad, “I am at Risk”. After receiving this message, someone will help him. It depends upon, to whom is he sending this message. If he sends this message to us, we can immediately try to help him. His message “I am at Risk”, shows that he is in danger and has to be saved.


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