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9. Environmental Management class 9 question answer science and technology maharshtra board

Class 9 science and technology chapter 9 Environmental Management question answer


Class 9 science and technology chapter 9 question answer Environmental management. | Environmental management class 9 exercise answers Maharashtra board | Environmental management solution state board.



 1. Match the items in column ‘A’ with the proper ones in coloum ‘B’ and explain their impact on the environment.


Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. Harmful waste

a. Glass, rubber, carry bags, etc.

2. Domestic waste

b. Chemicals, pigments, ash, etc.

3. Biomedical waste

c. Radioactive material

4. Industrial waste

d. Leftover food, vegetables, peelings of fruits.

5. Urban waste

e. Bandages, cotton, needles, etc



Column ‘A’

Column ‘B’

1. Harmful waste

c. Radioactive material

2. Domestic waste

. Leftover food, vegetables, peelings of fruits.

3. Biomedical waste

e. Bandages, cotton, needles, etc

4. Industrial waste

b. Chemicals, pigments, ash, etc.

5. Urban waste

a. Glass, rubber, carry bags, etc.



9. Environmental Management class 9 question answer science and technology maharshtra board

9th class science and technology question answer pdf | Class 9 science and technology chapter 9 question answer Maharashtra board | Class 9 science and technology chapter 9 question answer pdf


Q. 2. Complete the statements using the given options and justify those statements.

(Geographic favourability, climate, weather, observatory)


a. Of the abiotic factors that affect biodiversity by far the most important is ……………… .

Answer: Of the abiotic factors that affect biodiversity by far the most important is Geographic favourability.


b. A description of the climatic conditions of short duration in a particular area is ……………… .

Answer: A description of the climatic conditions of short duration in a particular area is weather.


c. Irrespective of the progress of human beings, we have to think about ……………… .

Answer: Irrespective of the progress of human beings, we have to think about climate.


d. Establishments where various climatic factors are recorded are called ……………… .

Answer: Establishments where various climatic factors are recorded are called observatory.


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3. Answer the following questions.


a. How is first aid provided to victims of disasters who are injured?


(1) When the victims are injured in disaster, then the help rendered him or her before the medical doctor arrives, is called first aid. It done with the intention of saving a life.

(2) The three main measures which may save the lives are airway, breathing and circulation i.e ABC of first aid. These are also called the basic principles of first aid.

(A) Airway:  When there is difficulty in  breathing, the head of the victim is held in backward sloping position or the chin is raised. This makes the respiratory passage open. Therefore, it is called airway.

(B) Breathing: On the stoppage of breathing the victim is given artificial ventilation by mouth to mouth resuscitation.

(C) Circulation: When the victim unconscious and mouth to mouth respiration not successful then CPR or cardio – pulmonary resuscitation is given. In this the heart should be pressed by putting pressure on the chest with both palms. These two actions are repeated alternately 15 times. CPR helps to bring the circulation back normal.

(3) When there is bleeding, efforts should be made to stop it. With antiseptic pad the wound should covered with light pressure.

(4) When there is a fracture, the fractured part should be immobilized. The patient should be moved with the help of firm stretcher by keeping him / her immobile as far as possible.

(5) In case of burn injuries, the burnt part should be kept under clean and cold flowing water.


b. State the scientific and eco-friendly methods of waste management.


(1) Waste separation: This is a primary stage in waste management. The dry and wet wastes are separated, stored and later collected for proper use.

(2) Composting: Decomposition of degradable kitchen waste in the small pits in backyard, garden or terrace is called composting. A good quality manure can be produced by composting leftover food, kitchen waste, peels of fruits , vegetables , etc.

(3) Vermicomposting: With the help of earthworms, the solid waste is decomposed at a faster rate. This technique of converting solid waste into manure or compost is called vermicomposting. In this method, common species of earthworms like Eisenia foetida or E. euglish are used for the degradation of wastes. The manure generated is highly nutritious in nature and can be used for garden plants and agricultural purposes.


c. Explain with suitable examples, the relationship between weather forecasting and disaster management.


(1) Due to the detailed research work going in observatories and also by meteorologists, the forecasts of forthcoming natural disasters can be predicted. When a natural calamity trikes there is large scale damage to the properties and also to the life. The cattle are killed. The houses collapse and people become homeless. The only way to save people from such disaster is to shift them, relocate and save the lives. This is possible only by weather forecasting.

(2) The best example for such effort was seen in 2013 when the cyclone Phailin struck the coast of Orissa in India. It was observed by the scientists of the Indian Meteorological Association that on 4th October 2013, there was development of low pressure belt near Thailand. This cyclone was shifting towards India and the forecast was that this will hit the coast of India in South East region of Orissa. When confirmed about this prediction, Government’s Disaster Management Cell shifted 5 lakh people from the coast of Orissa within 3 to 4 days to safer regions. The cyclone struck but there was no loss of life due to this timely action. In recent years, if natural calamities such as storm, cyclone , earthquake are expected , then the Disaster Management Cell of the Government of India warns people and helps them to move away and relocate .

(3) If a heavy downpour is expected then the disaster management cell of the Municipal Corporation and the Chief of Police sends the warning messages to people via medium of cell phones.




d. Why is e-waste harmful? Express your opinion about this.


1.  E-waste or electronic waste is formed due to electronic gadgets such as computers, mobile phones, TV sets, etc. which are not in proper condition.

2.  It is hazardous heavy metals such as lead, beryllium, mercury and cadmium.

3. These heavy metals are non-biodegradable in nature. Therefore, they remain accumulated in the environment and remain there for a long period of time.

4.    The soil microorganisms are directly and indirectly affected by E-waste.

5.   E-waste affects human health.

6. Burning and land filling of E-waste is dangerous for the surrounding environment and hence, disposing it becomes difficult.


e. How will you register your individual participation in solid waste management?


                    I shall separate the dry and wet waste that is produced in my house. The separate containers will be used to store this segregated wastes. The wet waste will be carried in the garden and will be used for making manure by natural decomposition. I can also try performing vermicomposting by releasing earthworms into the biodegradable material of the wet garbage.

                I shall check and do audit of the dry waste. I shall plan according the constituents present in this dry waste. The scrap-dealer will be called or a visit will be made to the shop of scrap dealer to sell the non – degradable matter in the dry garbage which can be sold. The money obtained through such will be used for purchasing saplings.                         These saplings will be planted around the compost pits. I shall attempt to reduce the proportion of the wastes. For the same purpose I shall follow R principles of waste management. I shall never throw the seeds of fruits into the dust bins, instead I will try to grow saplings from them. I shall persuade friends other people in my building and society to follow such actions to reduce the problem of solid waste disposal.


4. Write notes.



(1) Meteorology is the science that studies the inter – relationships between the various components of air, natural cycles, geological movements of the earth and climate.

(2) It includes the study of storms, clouds, rainfall, thunder, lightning, etc.

(3) Depending upon the study of such factors, weather forecasts are made.

(4) They are useful to common people, farmers, fisheries, aviation services, water transport and various other organizations.

(5) For this purpose, on the International level , The World Meteorological Organization was established whereas on national level there is Indian Meteorological Department .


(2)Climatic factors


(1) Atmospheric pressure, sunlight, clouds humidity, rainfall, visibility, temperature, etc. are the chief climatic factors.

(2) All of these climatic factors decide the atmospheric conditions of the particular space at the specific time.

(3) The climatic factors are also dependent upon the geographical conditions of a particular region.

(4) The climate of a particular region is decided by the average of daily readings of various weather – related parameters recorded for several years.


(3) Monsoon model


(1) In the decade of the 1990’s, a monsoon model based upon 16 worldwide climatic parameters was developed by Dr. Vasant Govarikar.

(2) This model was in use from 1990 to 2002 and it gave the almost right predictions about the monsoon.

(3) There are three types of monsoon models:

(A) Mathematical model (Dynamic): In this model the mathematical analysis is done. Forecasts are made with the help of mathematical models Estimates of current weather related events and ongoing physical interactions between them are taken in to account for the analysis.

(B) Holistic model: In this model, predictions are based upon many parameters which were used in other models are used in the holistic way to give the monsoon prediction.

(C) Statistical model: In this model, a collective study is undertaken by understanding the current climatic observations in a region and the earlier parameters such as oceanic temperature , atmospheric pressure and the nature of the monsoon rainfall of several years . There is comparison of both the data done and from this comparative analysis the monsoon predictions are made in statistical model.


(4) Industrial waste


(1) The industrial wastes are created in the industries and the factories.

(2) Chemicals’ pigments, sludge , ash , metals , etc. are found in greater proportion in the industrial wastes . They depend upon the type of manufacture the industry has.

(3) Most of the industrial wastes are toxic. They cause air, water and soil pollution.

(4) It is very essential to manage the industrial wastes, otherwise it causes dangerous effects on birds – animals and even on the health of human beings. Since most of the industrial wastes are non – biodegradable, they remain accumulated in the environment.



(5) Plastic waste


(1) Plastic waste is a major constituent of the domestic waste. From household garbage, plastic is spread far and wide.

(2) Being non – biodegradable, plastic remains unchanged in the environment of many years. If burnt, it emits toxic gases.

(3) The grazing cattle die due to inadvertent plastic consumption.

(4) Due to floating plastic, aquatic animals are in danger. Man is the only living being who creates plastic wastes but the entire ecosystem is harmed due to harmful consequences of plastic wastes.

(5) Taking this into consideration, the overuse of plastic should be immediately stopped and the correct management of plastic waste should be done.


(6) Principles of first aid.


(1) When the victims are injured in disaster, then the help rendered him or her before the medical doctor arrives, is called first aid. It done with the intention of saving a life.

(2) The three main measures which may save the lives are airway, breathing and circulation i.e ABC of first aid. These are also called the basic principles of first aid.

(A) Airway:  When there is difficulty in  breathing, the head of the victim is held in backward sloping position or the chin is raised. This makes the respiratory passage open. Therefore, it is called airway.

(B) Breathing: On the stoppage of breathing the victim is given artificial ventilation by mouth to mouth resuscitation.

(C) Circulation: When the victim unconscious and mouth to mouth respiration not successful then CPR or cardio – pulmonary resuscitation is given. In this the heart should be pressed by putting pressure on the chest with both palms. These two actions are repeated alternately 15 times. CPR helps to bring the circulation back normal.

(3) When there is bleeding, efforts should be made to stop it. With antiseptic pad the wound should covered with light pressure.

(4) When there is a fracture, the fractured part should be immobilized. The patient should be moved with the help of firm stretcher by keeping him / her immobile as far as possible.

(5) In case of burn injuries, the burnt part should be kept under clean and cold flowing water.



5. Give examples of the importance of climate in the living world with explanations, in your own words.


Importance of climate:

(1) Daily weather has great influence on the day-to-day activities of man. The long – term climatic conditions on the other hand influence the entire ecosystem for a longer duration.

(2) The flora and fauna of a particular region i.e. biodiversity is decided by climatic conditions.

(3) The diet, clothing, housing, occupations and lifestyle of the people is dependent on the climate of that regions.

(4) Various climatic factors and daily weather decides the salinity of marine water, formation of oceanic currents, water cycle, etc.

(5) Weathering of rocks in the earth’s crust is also on the climate. Due to the weathering process, soil formation and enrichment takes place. Climate is thus responsible for condition of lithosphere.

(6) The microbes present in the soil bring about decomposition and help in the formation of organic materials. The decomposition process is dependent on the climatic factors.


6. Explain with suitable examples, the care to be taken when using the methods of transporting patients.


                    There are various methods to transport patient with care. The specific type of method used depends upon the condition of a patient and also type of injury if any.

                    Cradle method, carrying piggy back , human crutch method , pulling or lifting method , carrying piggy back, human crutch method, pulling or lifting method, carrying on four – hand chair or carrying on two – hand chair or using a stretcher are these different methods .

                    E.g. If a person has broken his one of the leg, then he can be asked to walk for a short distance by giving minimum load on the other leg. While doing this we can provide him with possible support like a crutch. Therefore it is called human crutch method. If accident victim is unable to use his hands then such victim can be carried on two – hand chair, When the support is needed for the part below the waist, such victim is carried on four – hand chair. We have to see that the patient or accident victim is least disturbed. The injured part of the body has to be taken utmost care. Our behaviour should be such that, the patient should be transported with ease and assurance.


Environmental management class 9 exercise answers Maharashtra board | Environmental management solution state board | 9 class science and technology guide pdf Maharashtra board


7. Explain the differences.

a. Weather and climate




(1) Atmospheric conditions at a specific time at a particular place are referred to as weather.

(1) Climate is a long term predominant condition of the atmosphere.

(2) The changes of weather is for short duration.

(2)The changes of climate is for longer duration.

(3) Weather in one region may keep on fluctuating.         

(3) Climate is comparatively fixe for one region.

(4)Weather is continuously changing.

(4) Climate does not change continuously.

(5) Weather is related to a specific location and specific time .

(5) Climate is related to a longer duration and larger area.



b. Degradable and non-degradable waste


Degradable waste

non-degradable waste

(1)The type of waste that is easily degraded is called degradable waste. Those wastes degraded by microbes are called biodegradable wastages.

(1)The type of waste that is not easily degraded is called non-degradable waste.


(2)This type of waste is called wet solid waste or wet garbage.

(2)This type of waste is called dry garbage or dry solid waste.


(3)Such type of waste does not remain accumulated for a long time in the environment

(3)Such type of waste remain accumulated for a very long time in the environment.


(4)The degradable wastes release the inorganic constituents back to nature for recirculation.

(4)The non-degradable wastes are not naturally decomposed. Unless recycled their inorganic constituents are not sent back to nature.




  • Class 9 science and technology chapter 9 question answer pdf
  • Class 9 science and technology chapter 9 question answer Environmental management.
  • Environmental management class 9 exercise answers Maharashtra board
  • Environmental management solution state board.
  • 9 class science and technology guide pdf Maharashtra board

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